Conservation department



Most of the manuscripts were found destroyed, burnt, or inhabited by insects. The institute has established a laboratory for their protection and making them available for research work. For the preservation of these manuscripts, experts adopt modern scientific methods in fumigation, lamination, binding etc. Workshops and seminars are organized by this department with the aim of awakening the consciousness of the manuscripts in public and manuscript collectors. Several courses are also conducted to make experts aware of the latest techniques of conservation. This institute is approved by the National Manuscript Mission (NMM) as the Manuscript Protection Center for the whole of Uttar Pradesh.

The Vrindavan Research Institute is basically a manuscript museum and conservation center. Modern techniques of conservation are adopted here and microfilms are also prepared. The institute has a state-of-the-art laboratory for the conservation of important manuscripts and researches and publishes important manuscripts in order to protect the culture of Indian especially Braj and awaken interest in addition to the knowledge enhancement of the people. Different types of cultural events, seminars, seminars, workshops etc. are organized on different aspects of the objectives of the institute.

The treatment
The Vrindavan Research Institute wants to encourage practical knowledge of preservation of manuscripts among the general public, manuscript collectors, library science scholars and others. The institute has started a one-year course on manuscript preservation from last year. This course is recognized by Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Agra for one year Masters Diploma in Manuscriptology and Manuscript Conservation. Prospectus and form are also available on site.

The conservation section preserves the manuscripts and artefacts existing in the institute, as well as the repairing of the scriptural property that the institute receives from time to time and preservation by scientific methods etc. Simultaneously the spraying of chemicals in the Braj Culture Museum and the manuscript library in the institute's projects and preservation of ancient paintings, sculptures and various other types of materials are included in the major activities of the section.

In this sequence, here the preservation work of manuscripts written on paper, palm leaf, banquet, bamboo and banana bark is done according to the following method-

Primary Protection -

The packing

Experimental Protection -

Ink test
Ink fixation
Desired repair